Weekly Goals #003


Share your goals and dreams in the comment section or join our goal group on Facebook at The Blog Tribe to see what others goals are for the week. Hold me and yourself accountable to our goals and encourage others to achieve theirs! I’d love for you to join us and add a link or comment sharing your goals. It’s a great way to get to know others from around the world and gain some motivation to achieve your aspirations. 
Hey everyone and welcome to Weekly Goals #3! The series where I share my weekly aspirations and encourage you to share your own on our Facebook page! I'd love for you to join me and share your goal oriented post. 
Let's dive on in, last week my goals were to:  
What are my goals for last week? - TO BE PRODUCTIVE 
a. Continue to work on rebranding my website.  (check!) 
b. Launch my first freebie. (and check!!!) 
c. Work on my secret project for next month (check!) 
Yay! I managed to do all of my goals! It feels great to be so productive. I worked 8 hour days Monday through Friday ( with a few baby breaks in between). It helped me so much that I managed to get everything done during the week and got to take both Saturday and Sunday off to spend time with my little family. Not to mention it was my FIRST Mother's Day!! Chris, Jane and I got up at 6:30am and watched Deadpool in our pajamas and had waffles. Then we headed to Deep Cove for lunch and spent some time walking there. Chris's parents watched Jane for the evening so that Chris could take me out for dinner (wine, wine and more wine). Then we ended the night at the drive-in theater in Langley. It was such a great day.  
What are my goals for this week? - TO GET OUTSIDE 
Alright so with this lovely weather my goal for this week is to get outside more and enjoy it. There is an awesome dog park just 5 blocks from my house. I'd like Hank there twice this week. Now normally I go once a week because it's such a hassle packing up a cranky baby and trying to walk a rambunctious puppy a few blocks without wanting to scream in frustration. But once we get there it's worth it and Hank enjoys himself. Wish me luck (and patience) haha! 
Goal Sharing Rules: 
1. Post a link to your blog or comment in the thread sharing your goals and aspirations for the week. 
2. Make sure to like back to this post so others can share their goal-setting too. 
3. We're here to encourage and support each other so leave a comment and visit the blog on the post before yours.  Share your posts HERE>> The Blog Tribe


Here are two of my favourite goals from last weeks Reader Shares:

Stefan from TheMillennialBudget.com My goal this week is to do 3 post, I normally do 2 but I have to do one for a post I am being featured in, and release my Huffington Post article by Sunday.
Hollie from FueledByLolz.com My goal this week has definitely been to be productive as well. I have found myself being lazy after work when really I need to clean the house LOL.



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