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How profitable blogging tips can make your blog successful
Blog Tips Charlotte Diorio Blog Tips Charlotte Diorio

How profitable blogging tips can make your blog successful

Wondering which blogging tips work efficiently on your newly established blog and what not?To survive strategically in a competitive world of blogging, it is important that one should smartly learn tips and tricks every day. We read a list of blogging tips every day from a number of bloggers, but are they useful?

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4 Types of Hashtags You Should Be Using to Increase Traffic
Social Media Tips Charlotte Diorio Social Media Tips Charlotte Diorio

4 Types of Hashtags You Should Be Using to Increase Traffic


Are you taking advantage of hashtags? Are you reaching your target market? Using hashtags is the # 1 way to get new viewers to see your content.

Instagram is my number one referrer to my blog. Without it I wouldn't receive nearly as much traffic as I do. Since stepping up my Instagram game I've gained 25% more followers and tripled my views in two weeks. A simple way I upped my game was to use hashtags and not just any old hashtags but ones that add value to your image.

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