News & Events

Our Vancouver Aquarium Blogger Tour
Travel, Mommy Blog Charlotte Diorio Travel, Mommy Blog Charlotte Diorio

Our Vancouver Aquarium Blogger Tour

Jane and I had the honour of being invited behind the scenes for a blogger tour at the aquarium last month. Ever since Jane was born we have been taking her to the aquarium. There's something about the contrasting tanks and colourful fish that she has always loved even before she could crawl. 

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Life With A Travelling Husband
Travel, Our Story Charlotte Diorio Travel, Our Story Charlotte Diorio

Life With A Travelling Husband

Travel has taken its toll on our relationship as well as on our daughter. I feel for those of you who have to hold down the fort while your spouse is away, often times for weeks on end. It's a tough job and I'm so thankful that this past work trip Chris took was the last one.

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Vancouver Christmas Market 2017
Our Story, Travel Charlotte Diorio Our Story, Travel Charlotte Diorio

Vancouver Christmas Market 2017

This year I was able to share our favourite Christmas tradition with four lucky winners by gifting them seasons passes to the Vancouver Christmas market. Chris and I have gone to the market every year since we met and we look forward to it every Christmas.

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See Jane Slide
Mommy Blog, Travel Charlotte Diorio Mommy Blog, Travel Charlotte Diorio

See Jane Slide

Yay I started a cute little category for all of Jane's posts. I called it See Jane Run. So any post that's about her growing or doing something will have that tag so you can scroll through and check them out. Here are some photos of Jane's first trip to the waterslides. It was SO MUCH FUN! She was laughing and smiling the whole time and kept saying "More Please!" I can't wait to take her again.

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Seattle Day 2
Travel Charlotte Diorio Travel Charlotte Diorio

Seattle Day 2

Chris and I aren't much for hitting the super touristy spots. We prefer to avoid the big crowds and seek out the local hot spots. We often enjoy wandering around the city with our eyes open for little gems. We definitely found a few of those while in Seattle.

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Hyatt Regency Vancouver
Travel Charlotte Diorio Travel Charlotte Diorio

Hyatt Regency Vancouver

Our first Valentines day together we stayed at the Hyatt Recency in Vancouver. Chris had diamond status at the hotel so we had our own floor, access to our own breakfast lounge, an out door pool and a gym. I've never felt so spoiled in my life.

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