News & Events

Our Next Big Adventure
Our Story, News Charlotte Diorio Our Story, News Charlotte Diorio

Our Next Big Adventure

This blog has been such a beautiful outlet for me to share my thoughts and our journey as a family. It began when Chris and I were a young couple, then to the addition of our hound dog hank, to the birth of our daughter and now with baby number two on the way!

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The Habitat Schoolhouse
Baby + Littles, Homeschool Charlotte Diorio Baby + Littles, Homeschool Charlotte Diorio

The Habitat Schoolhouse

We're so excited to introduce a homeschool curriculum for your preschoolers. I wanted to take a bit of time to write a detailed post on why we've decided to create this curriculum and how we go about planning and prepping it. It started as a labour of love that happened to turn into something more.

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We weren't going anywhere!
First Time Dad Charlotte Diorio First Time Dad Charlotte Diorio

We weren't going anywhere!

She told me later that she remembers vaguely getting tunnel vision and only concentrating on my voice, my voice telling her to breath, breath, breath, like so many times we had done it at home during previous attacks. Finally, the breathing returned to normal (as normal as it could be during contractions) and the man with the needle had arrived. 

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