News & Events

Month 4 Update - Habitat Schoolhouse
Homeschool Charlotte Diorio Homeschool Charlotte Diorio

Month 4 Update - Habitat Schoolhouse

Today, August 2nd marks four full months for Habitat Schoolhouse. This month has been so great for learning a lot about how business works and networking with a few fantastic other businesses in a similar homeschooling niche.  I love looking back and comparing last month to this month. As last month we hit 600 sales in total since the start of May and now we're closing in on 1 thousand sales!  

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Month 3 Update - Habitat Schoolhouse
Homeschool Charlotte Diorio Homeschool Charlotte Diorio

Month 3 Update - Habitat Schoolhouse

Well we officially hit three months on July 2nd and I am completely blown away by the work that was done and the progress this little business has had. Last month we hit 200 sales and this month were over 600 sales! Wahoo! I figured that sales would slow right down when summer hit but they've just increased exponentially.

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One Month Update - Habitat Schoolhouse
Homeschool Charlotte Diorio Homeschool Charlotte Diorio

One Month Update - Habitat Schoolhouse

May 1st will mark one month of Habitat Schoolhouse. I had no real plan for this venture when I started it, I just jumped in with both feet. Little did I know that my intention to provide family and friends with preschool activities for their toddlers would explode into a full-time business

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