News & Events

Valentines Party for Our Kids
Baby + Littles Charlotte Diorio Baby + Littles Charlotte Diorio

Valentines Party for Our Kids

This past week Shana, from Life As Wife And Mom blog, and I hosted a fun Valentine's party for our little ones that we would like to share with you. We had lots of fun and we'd like to let you know how you can throw a fantastic Valentine's party for the littles in your life too. 

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Potty Training A One Year Old in One Week - Day One
Mommy Blog, Our Story Charlotte Diorio Mommy Blog, Our Story Charlotte Diorio

Potty Training A One Year Old in One Week - Day One

This is a short account of the first day potty training a one year old. Over all I would consider it a success however there was a lot of pee on the floor that needed to be cleaned up. Check out this post to find out the method we're using to potty train our daughter in one week. PS. There are a ton of cute pictures of her in the bath being silly. 

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We weren't going anywhere!
First Time Dad Charlotte Diorio First Time Dad Charlotte Diorio

We weren't going anywhere!

She told me later that she remembers vaguely getting tunnel vision and only concentrating on my voice, my voice telling her to breath, breath, breath, like so many times we had done it at home during previous attacks. Finally, the breathing returned to normal (as normal as it could be during contractions) and the man with the needle had arrived. 

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