Weekly Goals #002


Share your goals and dreams in the comment section or join our goal group on Facebook at The Blog Tribe to see what others goals are for the weekHold me and yourself accountable to our goals and encourage others to achieve theirs! I’d love for you to join us and add a link or comment sharing your goals. It’s a great way to get to know others from around the world and gain some motivation to achieve your aspirations. 
Hey everyone and welcome to Weekly Goals #2! Woot woot! The series where I share my weekly aspirations and encourage you to share your own on our Facebook page! I'd love for you to join me and share your goal oriented post. 

Let's dive on in, last week my goals were to:  

a. get two blog posts written  (check!) 
b. work on better scheduling posts and (and check!) 
c. think of a better name for weekly goals. (oops, nope) 
So let's start off with my the first two goals - I did manage to get two posts scheduled as well as figure out a better system when it comes to blogging and posting. Yay! Now unfortunately the title for these posts has yet to change. So im 2 for three on last week's goals. The title "weekly goals' is starting to grow on me but I'm still open to suggestions.  

What are my goals for this week? - TO BE PRODUCTIVE 

Well to continue to rebrand my website. I'm hoping to be finished and relaunched by the end of this month so any work towards rebranding will be considered a win. I'd also like to launch my first freebie this week. I've got some great tools for successful blogging and tips on how to increase traffic that I'd like to share. I'd also like to work on a secret project that will be released next month. Basically I would like to be productive and cross some stuff off my to do list. Wish me luck! 
JOIN IN Each Tuesday I will post my weekly goal here and give you the opportunity to share yours as well. This way we can all support and encourage each other. Who knows you might just gain more followers or make some friends. It will be nice to get some encouragement and motivation every week. I'd love to share some of your goals and link back to your blogs. I hope you join me.
Goal Sharing Rules: 
1. Share a blog post or comment in the thread about your goals and aspirations for the week. 
2. Make sure to like back to this post so others can share their goal-setting too. 
3. We're here to encourage and support each other so leave a comment and visit the blog on the post before yours. 

Share them here >> The Blog Tribe 



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