35 Things Your Child Needs To Know Before Kindergarten


Is your child ready for Kindergarten?

The thought of sending your little one off to their first day of school can be bittersweet. On one hand, you feel proud of them and are excited for their new adventure (and for some free time to yourself) and on the other hand, you might feel torn because your little one has grown up so fast and maybe you even fear that they aren't ready.  What we can do to prepare ourselves for this day and relieve some of the stress is to teach your child the things they need to know before that day comes so that you have peace of mind knowing your child is totally ready to start kindergarten. 

I'm fortunate in that many of my friends and family are Kindergarten teachers. I've asked them to share some skills and abilities children should have before starting Kindergarten. 


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35 Things Your Child Needs To Know Before Kindergarten 

  1. They are cooperative

  2. Show interest in learning

  3. Play well with others

  4. Listen to authority (adults teachers etc) 

  5. Can share toys/items with others

  6. Can speak clearly enough to understand 

  7. Willing and helpful when it comes time to cleaning up after play or activities

  8. Able to participate in group activities

  9. Can listen to and follow direction

  10. Follows rules and routines

  11. Can easily transition between activities 

  12. Uses words to resolve conflict

  13. Will ask for help when needed

  14. Can understand a sequence of events.

  15. Knows the alphabet

  16. Can identify and understands the difference between upper and lowercase letters

  17. Understands the difference between letters and numbers 

  18. Can count to 20

  19. Can count items up to ten

  20. Can sort by numbers, letters, shapes, colours etc. 

  21. Can recognize and name colours

  22. Can recognize and complete patterns

  23. Can identity measurement/size of objects. (big, medium, small)

  24. Identifies shapes 

  25. Understands direction/position (up, down, under on, etc)

  26. Can bounce, throw and catch a ball

  27. Can skip 

  28. Can hop both with two feet as well as on one foot 

  29. Is able to properly hold a pencil, crayon and draw with it

  30. Can complete a puzzle

  31. Can hold and use scissors correctly

  32. Can copy/trace letters, shapes, lines, etc

  33. Can glue objects together

  34. Can stack blocks 

  35. Can say and write their own name

How to teach your child these skills

Don't worry about your child mastering all of the things on this list. Though it will help them succeed, what is important is that your child is familiar with each skill and can attempt it on their own. The goal is to teach independence.

Find a curriculum

I am using a homeschooling curriculum to prepare my daughter for Kindergarten and she is loving it. If you would like to read more about our decision to homeschool her and how to get started read this post here.  Finding the right curriculum can cut down on time preparing and planning lessons for your child. A great homeschooling curriculum like Habitat Schoolhouse already has lessons planned and prepared for you so you can just open the workbook and start teaching. 

Socialize your child

A big part of Kindergarten is social. Your child is learning how to navigate friendships, deal with a classroom full of other kids as well as take instruction from a teacher. What you can do with your child is take them to parks and drop-in centres where they are exposed to other kids. If your child is in daycare they will have already started to develop this skill. We chose not to put our daughter in daycare so I have to make an extra effort to plan playdates and go to drop in classes so she is familiar with other children. 

Develop fine motor skills 

Before your child can write letters and cut out circles they need to have to develop those fine motor skills. With the right homeschool curriculum, this will be integrated into the lessons but if you're teaching him or her on your own there are a number of activities you can set up for your child. Things as simple as sorting objects and opening boxes or bins are a perfect way to tune those fine motor functions. Pinterest is a fantastic source for finding fun activities for toddlers. 


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