News & Events

Fall Pre Order Update + Promo Code
Feature, Homeschool Charlotte Diorio Feature, Homeschool Charlotte Diorio

Fall Pre Order Update + Promo Code

Because we wanted to put the finishing touches on the curriculum and it took a little longer than anticipated, we weren't able to get the physical copies ready in time for you to start your school year in September. We know many of you have been anxiously waiting for the physical copy but want to start the school year right now in September. SO, we want to give you two months of lessons for free so that you can get started with our lessons right away and begin your new school year. This way you can work through the lessons while your physical copy is being printed and shipped then continue on once your physical copy arrives.

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Month 4 Update - Habitat Schoolhouse
Homeschool Charlotte Diorio Homeschool Charlotte Diorio

Month 4 Update - Habitat Schoolhouse

Today, August 2nd marks four full months for Habitat Schoolhouse. This month has been so great for learning a lot about how business works and networking with a few fantastic other businesses in a similar homeschooling niche.  I love looking back and comparing last month to this month. As last month we hit 600 sales in total since the start of May and now we're closing in on 1 thousand sales!  

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Peaceful Parenting Part Two: Thriving Children
Peaceful Parenting, Mommy Blog Charlotte Diorio Peaceful Parenting, Mommy Blog Charlotte Diorio

Peaceful Parenting Part Two: Thriving Children

Today I'm writing about managing difficult moments and having our children thrive. It's no secret that parenting can be difficult at times. Over the course of this summer I've spent sometime for reading about children's behaviors and how their brains work and develop. One of the books I am finishing up this week is called The Whole-Brain Child. This post isn't a full review  of the book because it touches on too many important points for one single blog post, but it did touch on something in particular that I wanted to share. 

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