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Episode 4: Slowing Down
Baby + Littles, Mommy Blog, Peaceful Parenting Charlotte Diorio Baby + Littles, Mommy Blog, Peaceful Parenting Charlotte Diorio

Episode 4: Slowing Down

As I began writing this blog post we took a family trip to Seattle. Our last trip as the three of us before baby number two arrives in a few short months. I brought along the book Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne, which has quickly become a new favourite. It addresses slowing your life down and simplifying your parenting. Which ended up being the perfect lesson I needed to learn on this trip. 

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Episode 3: How To Raise Kind Kids
Baby + Littles, Mommy Blog, Peaceful Parenting Charlotte Diorio Baby + Littles, Mommy Blog, Peaceful Parenting Charlotte Diorio

Episode 3: How To Raise Kind Kids

One of the most important things I can teach my children is to be kind to others. Kindness above all else is what I believe will make an impact in this world. Wouldn't it be great if the foundation we helped build created caring, empathetic, and kind human beings? Because that's what the world truly needs. How do we help our children grow up to be the kind generation of the future? 

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Peaceful Parenting Part Two: Thriving Children
Peaceful Parenting, Mommy Blog Charlotte Diorio Peaceful Parenting, Mommy Blog Charlotte Diorio

Peaceful Parenting Part Two: Thriving Children

Today I'm writing about managing difficult moments and having our children thrive. It's no secret that parenting can be difficult at times. Over the course of this summer I've spent sometime for reading about children's behaviors and how their brains work and develop. One of the books I am finishing up this week is called The Whole-Brain Child. This post isn't a full review  of the book because it touches on too many important points for one single blog post, but it did touch on something in particular that I wanted to share. 

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