Earth Day Resources for Homeschoolers

Earth Day Resources for Homeschoolers


We at Habitat Schoolhouse love all things nature so its no surprise that we’ve come up with a fun Earth Day pack to celebrate the beautiful planet we live on.

This mini Activity Workbook includes the following worksheets intended to promote Earth Day and teach children how they work to make the environment more sustainable to better our planet:

  • Earth Day oath

  • Earth Day pledge

  • Earth Day challenge

  • Earth Day eye spy

  • Every Day Earth Saving Strategies

  • Earth Drawing

Earth day acts as a gentle reminder to be kind to the Earth. And it gives the opportunity to teach our children about how we can best care for our earth and protect the planet. Whether we teach them about recycling, sustainability, planting trees, cleaning up our parks or the ocean, we are teaching them that we can make a difference.

I encourage you to download our Earth Day pack and spend sometime in nature this Earth day.

Water Conservation

We typically spend most of our days outside enjoying nature anyway but this morning we woke up to a grey cloudy sky and rain pouring down. Although we won’t be able to enjoy the outdoors today as much as we like the rain has given me the opportunity to talk about nature in another way. I am able to share with my daughter about the importance of rain and water. Something that is definitely an Earth Day - hot topic.

Water conservation is something that isn’t often the forefront of everyone’s mind. Many of us turn off the water while brushing our teeth but that may come as more of a habit than a conscious decision to preserve water. One of the most important things our Earth provides for us is water – it not only keeps us hydrated, but it keeps the animals and plants around us healthy as well. Here are some ways you can celebrate water this Earth Day.

Appreciate Water in Nature by getting out doors and enjoying ponds, lakes and even the rain. You can make an effort to help clean up a lake or ocean shore, or you can conserve water at home by having showers instead of baths and by turning off the faucet when you aren’t using it.


Let us know what you do for Earth Day with your little homeschoolers. And tag us on Instagram if you download and use our Earth Day Printables!
@habitatschoolhouse #habitatschoolhouse


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