The Secret to Not Giving up Your #Dream

The Secret to Not Giving up Your #Dream

Two and a half years ago, I wanted to give up. I didn't want to dream anymore. I was pregnant with our fourth child, homeschooling our other 3, and dreaming bigger felt like a huge waste of time. Isn't there more to life than loads of laundry and changing diapers? I loved being a stay at home mom, but I also had dreams. Dreams of owning my own company, and writing and publishing books, and helping women.

Years ago, I remember speaking at a conference called "Inspire", and I absolutely felt, "Wow. This is what I want to do. Write books, speak at conferences. This is it," I told my husband. But then life happened. We got pregnant with our fourth child, I continued to homeschool, my husband continued to travel lots, and at some point, I stopped thinking about my #dream. You know, that thing that would keep you up at night. You know that thing that you get so excited about when talking to friends. You know that ONE THING you've always wanted to do, but because of life, or finances, or commitments, you haven't been able to pursue? Yeah, that thing. That dream would be easy to keep as a simple dream. It could be growing and monetizing your blog. You may have a dream of leaving your 9 to 5 and pursuing your "side gig" full time. Whatever it is, it's absolutely worth fighting for.

Last year, I was just a stay at home mom of 4; I had a 6 month old, a 2 year old, a 3 year old, and a 7 year old. I homeschooled, while my husband was a restauranteur, but after almost 8 years, I decided to stop sitting on my dreams of being an author, speaker and entrepreneur. I decided to finally do something do something about it. I published my first book that I had been writing for 6 years, launched my first Acting Skinny Scarf Line, and paid cash for Christmas with the help of my "little side gig". Can you believe it? AND during the first week of my 2nd Scarf Line Launch a few weeks ago, I made enough in one week to cover our 2nd mortgage. Can you believe that? In one week.


So here's my secrets to not giving up on your #dream!

1. Tell people who will hold you accountable: say it out loud.

Yes, it's great to write down your goals and dreams. But tell them to people you can trust AND who will encourage you to actually take action. Last year at my birthday dinner, I spoke my dream out loud to a party of 12, and by speaking it out loud, I knew that I had to take action. It kept me focused and motivated to finish and publish book. Perhaps you have a dream of publishing a book too. Grab my free Secrets to Writing and Publishing Your First Book HERE.

2. Join Blogging and/or Business Facebook Groups!

I've learned so much in my blogging and business Facebook groups! You'd be amazed at all the free support, encouragement, and tips given in these groups! Here's some of my favorite groups to join:

The Blog Tribe
Savvy Business Owners
The Proverbs 31 Mompreneur
Blog + Business Bff's
Female Entrepreneurs Collaborate
The Rising Tide Society
Social Boss Society
Blog Beautiful


Related: Facebook Groups - What You Need to Know When Starting Out


3. Boss Up! You got this!

You were created with gifts and talents that the world needs! You absolutely got this! So start putting one foot in front of the other, AND don't stop until you achieve your goals! Friend, I wanted to quit on my dreams, but I surrounded myself with dreamers, and encouragers, used my Facebook Page, Facebook groups, and social media to grow my business and blog, AND put one foot in front of the other to make my dreams happen! And I'm ready for you to do the same! Are you ready to go out and dream bigger today? Are you ready to make your dreams a reality!? Let's do it!

Until next time friends,



Huge thanks to our guest blogger

Shelly Young, author of “30 Days of Affirmation”, speaker, blogger, and CEO of Acting Skinny, a company inspiring women in food, fashion, and Mompreneuring. Her most important job is homeschooling 4 kids who are 1, 3, 4, and 8. When she’s not homeschooling or working, she loves a little coffee in her hazelnut creamer, teaching young girls how to sew, and traveling.

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