What Makes the Best Quality Preschool Curriculum?

What makes a good quality curriculum or program?

According to experts such as Yale emeritus professor Edward Ziger, ( a leader in child development), the best preschool programs share three common features:

  • They provide ample opportunities for young children to use and hear complex, interactive language;

  • Their curriculum supports learning processes and a wide range of school-readiness goals that include social and emotional skills and active learning;

  • And the best preschool programs are those that have a knowledgeable qualified teacher.

Now when you read that, how encouraged and excited are you that YOU as a parent get to be one of three main components in your child's education? You can carefully tailor lessons and gently and intentionally guide and teach your child.

Here at Habitat Schoolhouse we strive to offer wholesome resources and our preschool curriculum follows these guidelines in order to create the best preschool program we can for you, but we can only check off two of those three features. We need you to fill that third spot in order to gift your child with an amazing learning experience and curriculum.

So with that, I want to say thank you! You are the reason Habitat Schoolhouse is effective and constantly growing. You are a big part of this community and are helping us create high quality, effective programs and resources.

Thank you,
Charlotte Laila | CEO & Visionary


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Which Curriculum Should You Get?


Episode 10: Freedom to Learn Anywhere