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Finding Your Niche
Blog Tips Lindsay McNierney Blog Tips Lindsay McNierney

Finding Your Niche

One of the best pieces of advice that I received is "find your niche in your industry. When you start off you want to serve everyone because let's be real - you want to make money and you want to make money fast.  When you serve everyone, you serve no-one.

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The Secret to Not Giving up Your #Dream
Blog Tips, Business Tips Charlotte Diorio Blog Tips, Business Tips Charlotte Diorio

The Secret to Not Giving up Your #Dream

Two and a half years ago, I wanted to give up. I didn't want to dream anymore. I was pregnant with our fourth child, homeschooling our other 3, and dreaming bigger felt like a huge waste of time. Isn't there more to life than loads of laundry and changing diapers? I loved being a stay at home mom, but I also had dreams. Dreams of owning my own company, and writing and publishing books, and helping women.

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