News & Events

Nature-Stenciled Easter Eggs - A Tutorial⁣
Homeschool, Stay Home Series Charlotte Diorio Homeschool, Stay Home Series Charlotte Diorio

Nature-Stenciled Easter Eggs - A Tutorial⁣

Happy Easter to you all! We hope you enjoyed this little tutorial as we have many more to come. With the whole COVID-19 virus keeping us in our homes we’ve started a series called Stay Home Series where homeschooling moms from all over the world are sharing little crafts and fun tutorials just like this one. Our hope is that they can help give you a few more ideas on what to do with your little ones during this time as well as encourage you and let you know that we are right here alongside you and you can do it.

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Which Curriculum Should You Get?
Tips Charlotte Diorio Tips Charlotte Diorio

Which Curriculum Should You Get?

Having trouble deciding which curriculum to use with your child(ren)? We offer two different base curriculums, one for Kindergarten and one for Preschool and have many formats to suit your child’s individual needs.

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