Ayla Grace Fabrics

While up North visiting my family a few weeks ago I attended a couple craft fairs with my mum and sister. There were so many talented makers it was nearly overwhelming, but one maker - Ayla Grace Fabrics - stood out among all others. She had sweet beautiful quilts with thoughtfully chosen colours and patterns. She had the perfect gender neutral quilt for my little baby. It had the cutest woodland critters that matches our nursery theme perfectly. Once we saw it, we knew it was coming home with us.

"I am inspired by beautiful fabric to put it quite plainly. I look at it and start imagining what it could be, what it would look like as a crinkly quilted blanket."


Kelly-Anne has always had a love for fabrics. This love has inspired a desire to create, try new things, search out new patterns and allow her to contribute to the household, while continuing to be a stay at home mom. Her business came about when she had an idea to sew her entire fabric stash into baby quilts.

When she's not doing chores, preparing meals or spending time with her two young children, she spends her spare time in her sewing space. Supported and encouraged by her husband Jeff, the only hurdle she really faces is not being able to offer her customers the broad selection she would like to. Her long term goal would be to open a little fabric shop in her town.

"My dream business is one where I can not only sew beautiful, handmade, 100% designer cotton quilts for little ones, but also have a large selection of beautiful fabric to cut, fold and send off to fellow fabric lovers like myself."

I am looking forward to wrapping our little baby boy or girl in our woodland quilt. I also just ordered a banner for the nursery in the same fabric.

Not only is she talented, but Kelly-Anne is very sweet and accommodating. I feel honored to have such a beautiful quilt and can't wait for the baby to enjoy it as well.

Head over to her Etsy Shop or follow her on Instagram!




Beth Meyer