DIY Tissue Paper Pom Poms

Here's an easy way to add decorations that make an impact to your party for reasonably inexpensive. You can purchase them pre made for around 10$ each at party stores or at Michaels. I got tissue paper for a local dollar store and made 15 of them for under 10$. I was able to find all the colours I needed that matched the theme of Jane's baby shower. If you missed the other details of her baby shower and are interested, you can find more details and photos in this past post HERE.

Materials needed: 10 pieces of tissue paper tape or wire scissors String or fishing line Tape or a finishing nail

1 Fold 10 sheets of tissue paper together like an accordion. Make sure the folds are evenly spaced. I liked 1 – 2 inch folds.

2 Fold your accordion in half and wrap wire or tape around the middle.

3 Cut the tips of each end. You can cut them rounded or into a point. My pom poms were rounded

4 Spread out one half of the accordion and begin pulling apart the sheets. then continue with the other side. (take care not to tare them)

5 Depending on if you're hanging it from the wall or from the ceiling hang with string or fishing line. I hung mine from the wall so the string was hidden.


This little project was fun and very easy to make for Jane's shower. I was able to make a couple in between feedings while she settled in for a nap. It's nice after a few weeks of feeling like an unproductive zombie to be able to make something with my hands and contribute to her baby shower.


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