News & Events

One Mindset Shift Which Will Dramatically Improve Your Marketing Results
Successful Marketing is the biggest game changer when it comes to business results. Yes you need a good product, you need to have your operations down so you can actually service your customers and make sure they are happy. But without Marketing, no-one will ever know you exist.

Perfect Pricing Advice For Your Product Or Service From A Top Business Coach
Let's cut to the chase: getting your pricing right is probably the most important factor in running a successful business. Perfect pricing is a dynamic mix of brand understanding, consumer psychology and market responsiveness. Don't panic though!

Holiday Girl
Christmas has hit our home. Early morning dog walks in the crunchy snow, Christmas music playing, cuddles and adding the last ornaments to the tree. The only thing missing is Jane’s stocking (which I’m knitting right now).

The 9 Best Ways to Monetize Webinars
If you’re going to get involved in promoting and hosting events like teleseminars and webinars, you’re going to want to find ways to monetize them to make them worth your time and effort. Putting on events is fun, but it’s not without hard work. You should be compensated for the time you take to host events, and luckily there are lots of ways to monetize them.

Hobby vs. Habbit
I have worked with a lot of new entrepreneurs over the years, and I feel like there are really 2 types: those who treat their business like a hobby and those who create habits to build and grow their business into a successful and well oiled money making machine.