News & Events

Am I a Bad Parent For..
Sometimes as a parent you have to do the hard thing. Am I a bad parent for ..

Charlotte Exposed | My Tattoos
Good afternoon everyone! Many people have asked about my tattoos so in today's post I will be going over and showing you some of them, where I got them, if it hurt, how much they cost, etc.

Sointula Trip Twenty Seventeen Part 1
Every year for the past few years my family and I head up Vancouver Island to my Grandparents for a week. My aunts and uncles come, my mum and dad, my sister and her husband. We all get together to visit and help work on my Grandparent's house.

Thoughts On Co-Sleeping - The Dreaded Family Bed
Initially when we got pregnant and were picturing how life would be with a baby, we always pictured Jane independently sleeping in her own room. Unfortunately for us Jane was diagnosed with Colic early on (You can read about that in this post here). So for us any sort of night time or bed routine was unimaginable.
Seattle Day 2
Chris and I aren't much for hitting the super touristy spots. We prefer to avoid the big crowds and seek out the local hot spots. We often enjoy wandering around the city with our eyes open for little gems. We definitely found a few of those while in Seattle.

Our Favourite Baby Items
Okay so it's safe to say we are OBSESSED with baby bonnets, rompers, gumboots and baby wraps. Check out this post to see some of our favourites!