Member Dashboard
The perfect subscription for fearless explorers ages 3-12.

Available April 1st
Available Now for
Membership Families
April Releases

Available April 1st
Nature Studies for Kids Spring Program

Available April 1st

Available April 1st
People Are Awesome
Dive into the Ocean
Printable Resources

If you are having trouble downloading the content you may need to upgrade your account to access the content.
On a ‘Free’ Plan you can access the resource located at the top right of this page titled “Heart Map”.
‘Little Kids’ members can access the top of this page as well as the “Available Now for Membership Families” section.Please read this article to learn more: User Guide
If you are logged into your plan and are still having trouble please email office@habitatschoolhouse.com so we can assist you.
On a Free Plan you can access the resource located at the top right of this page. You will also be emailed monthly free resources.
Please read this article to learn more: User GuideThis portion is updated on the 1st of each month so you can log in and access the new month’s free resource.
You also have unlimited access to all of our blog posts, video lessons, and our seasonal contests.
To unlock all of the content we offer, you can upgrade to a paid plan HERE.
On a 1-Year plan you will be sent 6 workboos shipped bi-monthly.
Our shipping schedule is the 1st week of February, April, June, August, October, December.Your workbook will be shipped the subsequent cycle after you subscribe.
For example: if you join in May, your first workbook will be shipped to you the first week of June.